Thursday, March 15, 2012

Are Altarpieces Framed?- -- Day 67

Walk: Just small errands in the rain
Distance: Maybe a mile altogether and home yoga practice

I'm adding a modern altarpiece/collage done by a talented artist friend to my home art collection. It is on paper and unframed, and somehow I think of altarpieces that way - unframed. Don't know where I got that idea; maybe from seeing remnants of large altars that have lost their frames so all you see is the tempera and gilt gessoed onto rough wood fragment. Or maybe I am thinking of icons or some Mexican religious pieces.

Wherever I got the idea of altarpieces being unframed, I couldn't be more wrong as it turns out: In Volume 17, The Institute for Sacred Architecture published a seminal article on altarpieces:
Retro Tablum: The Origins and Role of the Altarpiece in the Liturgy by Daniel P. DeGreve.*

And the very first sentence reads: An altarpiece is a framed artistic representation of a sacred subject or combination of subjects typically situated behind and above an altar.

The Ghent Altarpiece


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