Friday, November 11, 2016

Unshowy Showgirl --- Day 5/264

Walk: CPMC, Sundance Kabuki
Distance: 3.5 miles, Small Yoga

Amy Adams is beginning to enter Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren territory for Ciwt.  Not the accents, utter transformations, but in her quiet, subtle way she has inhabited numerous characters and made them unique and believable.  Today she was Louise in Arrival  Image result for arrival, an okay sci-fi film Ciwt, along with 'audience score' people, didn't like as well as the Rotten Tomatoes critics.  But she did like Amy Adams' acting.

Same went for Big Eyes Image result for big eyes, The Master Image result for the master amy adams and several of her other films (there have been over forty so far).

For Ciwt, her most memorable role so far was as grifter, Sydney Prosser, in American Hustle Image result for American Hustle amy Adams.  Sadly she was paid a fraction of the other star actors in the movie, and the director's meanness brought her tears nearly every day.  But working well was sweet revenge when she earned her a fifth Oscar nomination for the role.  Go Amy!

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