Saturday, June 8, 2024

Back Five Days and Almost Home --- Days 13/153-157

Walks:  Cold, Windy Hood 💨

Distances: 4.5 miles average

So Ciwt is back from glorious, just right Midwestern summer weather and many friends and family to her two cat friends and down jacket summer here in San Francisco.  But maybe good that friends and weather aren't calling her outside because she's needed to be in and near her computer, phone and calculator.  

The reason?  Announcement!:  Ciwt has bought a new home and will be moving soon.  After she crunches the tight numbers, prepares forms for bankers and title companies, calls insurance and utility companies, interviews movers and generally stays one step ahead of anxiety. Rest assured, more on her new place in many future CIWTs

She did have one outing away from counting and calling, and it turned out to be highly entertaining and a movie she recommends.  She saw it before it started on Netflix yesterday and, because she Loves the whole theater experience, she encourages you to see it there.  In any event, if you are in the mood for a new spin on rom com-thriller, go to Hit Man - which is much better than the posters indicate.

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