Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't open that attachment! --- Day 123

Walk: Car/de Young* and little meanders *I could walk here and often do, but need my car on Thursdays
Distance: 10 blocks

This was me today. It really is quite an ordeal starting with feeling responsible/guilty for the people in your address book (or wherever) who might get hit themselves.  Then you move on to realizing - as untechie people like me often do - that you don't have one clue what to do nor any way to reason through to a solution.  All I can think of is to contact everybody on my (known) email list and hope things don't continue or get worse. Often this has its attendant guilt because I need to act fast so I am having to send brief, impersonal announcements to people I like but haven't been in touch with.

Luckily, I happened to have a computer consultant coming tomorrow because I'm thinking of a new computer.  This hacking might make that inevitable.  Well, I guess that is one bit of good news; I'm forced to do what I've been putting off largely because it will probably end up with me losing my entire email history.  I keep holding on to my present computer so that won't happen, but it is running slower and slower and the time of reckoning is coming.  Other 'good news' is that I got to clean out my address book. A few names rang no bells whatsoever, and I'm sure they felt the same when they got a communication from "me." I can easily delete them. Other people whose names I at least recognized returned 'Failure To Deliver' notices, so they shouldn't be in my address book either. Delete.  Other good news is some old friends did write back, and we did have a chance to communicate with each other.

Overall it is a 'Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln....' experience for all concerned.  Grrr and fingers crossed for my address book friends and acquaintances.

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