Distance: 10 blocks and teach yoga class
Everyone had gathered at my yoga class this morning, I began in virasana, we all closed our eyes, the calm in the room was palpable. And Then.. the curtain was thrown open and the front desk people said "You have to move; there's a workshop in this room today. We forgot to tell you!" Now the startle factor was palpable from everyone - teacher and students alike.
I groused, let the Mindful Body know how I felt but cleared the room and we all went into the other room and had a class. A good one because I'm a good teacher by now. But I am Not 'yogic.' Even after all these years doing and teaching yoga, I am still the same me that does not react well at all to what I consider complete and unnecessary stupidity. 'My'/the 11:30 class has been in existence since the beginning of the studio (20 years), many students have been attending since then or have been regulars since I've been teaching the class (5-6 years or more, I can't remember). What in the world were they thinking? - same thing as when they gave a 4-month teacher training and forgot until the night before to tell me it was in 'my' room.
Now the very yogic teacher right after me had her reaction. "Oh, well," she smiled at me, "a scheduling mistake was made. These things happen. It's no big deal...." "Blah, Blah, blah..." ciwt was thinking. No big deal, but monumentally vapid and irritating to teacher and students.
I wonder what the students thought of seeing me be so definite about this little 'scheduling mistake.' Don't know but certainly it was 'authentic' and, if it was shocking for them to realize that even yoga teachers (I) get
irritated, then there's little I can do to influence what they made of this. But, I've been round and round the mulberry bush with the studio on this kind of stuff, so my irritation also makes me wonder how short my yoga teaching fuse is these days and whether I'm getting more and more ready to move on.
Specifically to some time abroad or travel to other places. Specifically to non-imaginary trips, to real ones. Callie will be leaving at an unspecified time but shortly, my birthdays will be becoming more and more 'significant,' the hold your nose and jump in anxiety is creeping and lingering...Well?...
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