Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Lighting Up the Big Screen --- Day 6/310

Walk:  Hood for pre-New Years supplies
Distance: 1 mile, PT, Pedal

Yes, Winston Churchill again.  He is omnipresent on the big and small screen these days which discouraged Ciwt from going to Darkest Hour.  That would have been a mistake.  Never turn down the chance to see Gary Oldman act.  How could someone play both rail thin, slithery Sid Vicious and 
then Winston Churchill completely disappearing into both roles (and others he's played in the course of his career)?  Go and find out; then stream Sid and Nancy if you want to see both.  

Ciwt can't think of a better lead actor than Oldman as Churchill this year. But she missed the opportunity of seeing Harry Dean Stanton in Lucky, his final role.  And there are previews in the theater of a Daniel Day Lewis movie.  Tough if not impossible to beat him for Best Actor.  It should be an interesting category this year.

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