Distance: 2 miles, home yoga
So in case you are interested in Ciwt's first impression of our new SFMOMA, here's what she emailed a friend:
Still taking it in - after almost 24 hours. It is A Lot of modern art - much of it quite excellent (Ellsworth Kelly, Agnes Martin, etc), some of it overly predictable (most of those huge, gloomy, corporate German Neo-Expressionists).*
Love the acoustics and think the new addition is very good and pleasant in its vast way. The only building glitch that bothered me was the "hidden" stairways. I walked and walked on every floor trying to find a staircase and felt claustrophobic when I couldn't. Then, when did show up, it was some tiny thing in some unexpected place.
Two museums with many duplicate artists and periods in several different places is very peculiar and difficult/confusing/unsatisfactory for the viewer. Maybe at some point SFMOMA won't be required to make such a separation between the collections and can blend them. That will be a very good point, imho.
Right now it's an excellent slog. An IKEA light, gallery-after-gallery, art-filled slog that already makes a quite wonderful/totally needed contribution to SF and its art scene. But still a slog. I think your "dizzy and overwhelmed by too much art" is exactly the necessary and unavoidable response. I felt the same - probably for slightly different reasons. Over time I'm sure SFMOMA will make many fine tunes - weed out some things, focus the corridors of galleries a bit more, add art, create viewing breaks, etc,. And then it will be a truly outstanding and true worldwide modern art center.
So, onward. I look forward to returning many times.
Not SFMOMA, but you get the point. Ciwt says ISH!

Not SFMOMA, but you get the point. Ciwt says ISH!
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